Alice chats to...

Nienke van Overveld on breaking stereotypes of women's bodies

CrossFit Games athlete and the Fittest Woman in the Netherlands 2020, Nienke van Overveld, talks to Alice about how she's breaking perceptions of what the female body can look like. Defying the conventions of the health and fitness, Nienke accredits her success to veganism, CrossFit, and an innate drive to self-improve. Battling against gender stereotypes, the agriculture industry, and leg day Nienke chats about how self-improvement is an important uphill battle. Not without its struggles, Nienke talks about the darker side of success, and what it means to break from centuries of tradition.

In this series, I sit down with six women who challenge their industries and break the social norm. From breaking stereotype and age-old traditions to women's' bodies and advertising, these six women talk about their journeys.